Love Poem: Part 2 of Earth Treading Stars 1
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Written by: Jeanette Huston

Part 2 of Earth Treading Stars 1

Earth Treading Stars,
If the eye is a window to the soul, then, the heart is the doorway to love.
Love is two souls intertwined and kindred in such a way you cannot find their meeting place, nor can you tear it apart. It is one embodiment of pure pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow.
As the joy stars provable above when cupid’s arrow bows inhibitions to love.
Doubt the stars are fire, doubt the sun moves, doubt truth to be a liar but never doubt that I love you.
True love can blind you but at the same time if you let it, it can also open your eyes.
I have never seen so clearly then when I look in your eyes.
An eternity can’t count the times I’ve thought about you
And is not near enough time to love you.
It may not have been at first sight
But at second look I knew it was only right.

Earth Treading Stars,
True love is not how you forgive, but how you forget, not what you see but what you feel, not how you listen but how you understand, and not how you let go but how you hold on.
I plan to hold on tell you let go and I will let go as long as you know,
Though you might not wait,
And even if it’s to late,
Trough out destiny and time in the hands of fate,
 I can’t love you for the rest of your life,
But I will love you for the rest of mine.