Love Poem: Part of the Universe's greatness
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Written by: Michelle Morris

Part of the Universe's greatness

Never let age deter your Life's Purpose and blessings. You're part of the Universe's greatness. Blessings, Love and Light. 

Part of the Universe's greatness 
By Michelle Morris 

As I edge ever closer to the time 
That I was born 
I get to reflect back upon 
This mantle that I have worn

Over fifty years
I've lived and learned
Loved and lost
Grown and burned

It can seem strange 
To the inexperienced eye 
Who miss the glint
Of mischief and smiles 

But within each elder 
Is a young, wild sprite 
Exuberant and playful 
Ever hopeful, never doubting 

It's important to remember 
To make age a mere number 
For we are all eternal 
And our Souls never go under 

For we remain starlight 
Stardust and miracles 
Part of the Universe's greatness 
A sight to behold 

We fly up, up and away
Never giving up on our True path 
Focussing on creative delights 
Knowing we share One Heart 

© Michelle Morris, 2024