Pas De Deux
Pas De Deux
by Rick Rucker
When you came unto the floor,
I knew you were so much more,
Than I thought I'd ever meet,
A lovely face, and oh so sweet!
Love's tender ballad began to play,
Soon, I was swept away!
We were moving ever near,
Around the other, we each did steer.
When finally, we did embrace,
My eyes did close, my Heart did race!
As I held you, 'round the waist,
All about the dance floor, we both traced.
That we are a couple new,
Nothing 'bout that can I do.
In time, we will learn each other's moves,
We'll soon be in each other's grooves.
It took a while to see,
The dance floor held but you, and me.
Now our scores: a perfect ten!
The music has begun again.......