Love Poem: Passages Here 7
Leon Enriquez Avatar
Written by: Leon Enriquez

Passages Here 7

Work word magic
Line after line;
Feel poignant purge

To write is risky
Touch of insanity;
Satisfying mood swings

Joy in wild moments
Tragic comedy;
Comic tragedy

Love is
Too busy to know;
Why or when or how

Head cracked from
Too much thinking;
Should feel more somehow

Echoes of eternity
In this instance;
Look and listen

By blue moonlight
Hear stray voices;
Yet nothing stirs

Strangers stand
Side by side squeezed;
Elevator delivers start-ups

Familiar faces
Office building complex;
Lonely in a crowd

Pulse, poise and purr
Black panther and brown tiger;
Two condo cats preside

Evening stroll
To night market;
Time for nothing special

Leon Enriquez
21 June 2014