Passion On the Road To Death
Passion – on the road to death
January 28th 2008
I thought I had found a path towards the light –
on my way to the end days of this, my life.
This to be my last adventure into the realms of love.
This, my last throes journey into the kingdom of heartache,
as my tears cry out – fears scream in pure agony
as passion – my love dies on the vine – not accepted.
Not appreciated !!!
This state, tears at the very fibers of my broken heart,
ripping my jute bound pride, self-worth, ego, to shreds,
leaving me no hope, just some beautiful memories – experiences to carry this defeated,
subjugated, old soul – onward.
Onward ?, towards what ?, can the beauty I fell for,
be duplicated ?, replicated ?, in the soul and body of another.
Once in thirty years – since – is to much ! – not enough time.
I will be long gone before another beauty could come along –
and so, before me lives, grows more alive each day -
a painting - as the model fades away,
image, in oil, the naked body of my last dream.
My last Love !!!
B. J. “A” 2
January 28th 2008