Passions of a Peahen
Passions of a Peahen
“Love”; said the Peacock
“Asks many things of you;
“Should you in your plumed and feathered finery
“Feel the deep shades colour
“And a thousand eyes
“Spread vibrant, valiant
“To look at you
“Questioning dark blue, green shimmer, purple wave
“And violet sigh
“To stand forth
“And display
“Attest to what loves animal courtship
“Sires in your veins
“Do you contain this courageous, asked the Peacock
“Do you have the bravery to lift aloft
“And resplendent of love
“Shine out
“Though your colours may pick a different hue
“Still does its tint imbue you
“Do you have the stoutheartedness
“On an open field
“And does your call
“Issue from exultant throat
“The proud cry of your enamoured heart
“Here; said the Peacock
“I am in heat again this day
“And for many days have I stood here rampant
“My love she lingers yonder
“In those hills
“Camouflaged in the beguiling green stems of love
“She is worm picking at her desires
“See; I shall turn her head
“And capture the brown sensual auburn promises of her splendour
“From her busy infatuations with the ground
“And show her the folly of loves dream in life
“Lived that life without meaning
And with this the Peacock lassoed the sunlight
And shimmered pearls mother
Of darker shade iridescence
Opening the eyes fan tail of love
Perched his desire
On a high called cry
Fluffed and feathered thus he said
“I am a picture of natures painted passion my love
“And see
“I have turned my Peahens head