Passive Aggressive
Revenge is so sweet
When you have no clue
That I even sought it
Against you and even
Sweeter when you never
Even knew I was
Infuriated with you
In the first place
It is more thrilling when
You never saw it coming
Revenge is so nice
When you pay the price
For your misdeeds
Living in ignorance
Of the passive aggressive
Villan that planned your fall
Revenge is so much fun
When I reminisce about
What I have done
I love having this
Secret weapon that
You will never discover
Everytime Lady Justice
Dispenses justice your way
You will never suspect that
It was I that gave her the
Ammunition that she
Needed to alienate you
My angel face decieves you
Making you think I am sweet
When in reality Jezebel roams
Inside my heart always asking
Herself "Who is next"?