Past Great Loves...
Portrayals of love
colored with paint and prose,
has inspired storied hearts to warmth
to fire the coldest of days...
Elizabeth Barrett found her Robert
Percy Shelly had his Mary,
to have found a shared passions magic
gift of words bound in covers,also
bound endlessly with a kindred spirit... in life,true poetry in motion,
yet,some have had to settle with the ideal
of loves fleeting it not,
just as so to live for love,than to die without it ?
Dante had his Beatrice,real or imagined,
Leonardo had his Mona Lisa,the other half
to complete his whole...the pain of love
can be insufferable,as a
Shakesperean Romeo and Juliet...
Past great loves,and
love willing to be...
can seem as close as the nearest smile,
or as distant as the distant stars...
but to live for love,
is much better than to die without it,
....real or imagined