Past Lover Danger Zone
Past Lover Danger Zone
By Shaniki Smith
March 22, 2014
Here we go back and forth
No bandage can heal these wounds
He say She say
I still Felt those words you said to me hit me in my heart like a cold icicle hitting the ground
I must of froze every time I see you
I love you but then I hate you
You standing in my past lover-danger zone
I'm going to designated the time bomb
I don't want to go back to what we had it hurts to much
It hurts to much It's felt good to let you go
But the pain of letting you go still lie upon my heart
When you said sorry that pain went away
So I decide to move on and the pain went away but when you came back the pain re-appear
I made up my mind to stay far far away
Stop standing in my past lover danger zone
Stop standing in my past lover danger zone
I'm going to designated the time bomb