Love Poem: Past the Age of Romanticism
Raumelis Ramos Avatar
Written by: Raumelis Ramos

Past the Age of Romanticism

It’s unfortunate that we are living past the age of romanticism. It’s as if in our busy lives we don’t have time to make time to let moments intertwine. We are workaholics and hedonist who forgot to appreciate that love exists.

We are a couple decades over the time where the hearts use to frequently blossom and more than passion was the outcome. Instead we pay more attention to Hollywood heartbreaks and gossip. Stories of lust and mistrust that give love a bad name. Soap-opera clichés where to apply the word 'cliché' would be cliché. 

When it comes to affection our conscience are unconscious. The mind's treachery leading to  heart's lechery are the components of nonsense that leave the soul no longer autonomous .

Then there’s the other side of the story of those who look for glory, trying to find congruent atriums and ventricles.
 Those lonely individuals whose only finds happen to be asymmetrical.
Those that live for love, those that lust love and can’t ignore it, also those who die for it.
It’s that common misconception that their next lover will be their last.  
It’s the repetitive mistakes that made their next lover the same as their last.

It’s the entangled bonds between two roses that are divine. We comprehend not that we are diatoms in Diotima’s explanation of a love story. 

There’s no acknowledgement of platonic love.
No demonstration of admiration for the family unit, friends and all the experiences we undergo. 

It’s out of resource and need that Eros grows. 
A gardener should be there to watch their seed grow.
It’s out of love that we should plant our rose.