Love Poem: Patrick
Maureen Mcgreavy Avatar
Written by: Maureen Mcgreavy


I fell in love with a dolphin long ago,
we met in Bermuda at The Blue Grotto
(my dad was posted there, I stayed for a week).
He swam up to me all silver and sleek,
checking me out as much as I did he.
We stayed transfixed gazing earnestly,
for a good long while before the show did start.
Then I was called upon TWICE to play a part!
I got to meet Patrick and shake his flipper,
he pulled me in a boat, me as his skipper!
Of all the kids there I was the only one picked;
his tainer no doubt noticed how we two had cliqued.
For a souvenir I bought an inflatable plastic
great big blue dolphin, and named him Patrick.

I was eleven then. Some years later I came accross an article entitled
"The Day The Dolphins Died", about the cull of dolphins to protect fish 
stocks. The author wrote at the end something to the effect that he
"couldn't understand how someone could kill a dolphin after looking into
it's eyes and seeing it looking back."

 I wept. I still weep.


                            Composed for Julie Leigh Rodeheaver's

                                               4th Place