Peace Is Just Like Heaven
Riches untold, Words unshared
Thoughts unthought, Love that cared
Serene and Pure Silence amongst it lies
Prayer and Joy fly up to the skies
Little by little, regrets have fled
Day by day, tears are bled
Secure movements and swift ways
Glorious and wondrous rays
Unforgotten promises, satisfying hope
Slowly rising, slowly up the slope
God is peace, God is love
The glory is only for him above
Jesus died for our sins, his most important goal
And through that peace, our quiet and heartfelt soul
Became his only, and his alone
And through it all, his glory shone
God saved us all from horrifying death
And instead of it all gave us breath
Serenity and tranquility, God has given us all
To share with his lovely world after the fall
But then Jesus told us many things
To whom all that trust clings
Riches untold, Words unshared
Thoughts unthought, Love that cared
Peace and Love
From all above
And then with a perfect seven
Peace is just like Heaven