Peace Prayer
If now is your time
in this final threshold
between life
and death,
then this is our passion time,
remembered past
torn from imaged future.
I cannot bear this burden
this loss
this relinquishment of relationship
in which wealth fully invests
in knowing
and growing our love
If now is our time,
I would accompany you
embrace you
full bodied
with these emphatic tears
of sad
sacred gratitude
for all we have been
Not needing,
in this transition,
to bear tomorrow's weight
adjusting to a crippling hole
in my holy heart,
gaping mind,
useless body
unable to touch you
with voice
and impassioned loving choice.
If now is your time
to depart,
then we leave together
as far as our compassionate bodies
our co-emphatic minds
can yet embrace
this eternal
reverent severance space
Slow dancing,
soft breathing
in-between silent mortal dusk
and immortal dawn
of disembodied love
Becoming, already,
and much too soon,
some new emergent rebirth
of divine memories
As without,
touched by grace
written across each face
in which I may search
for your cherished trace
of reconnection
to this soulful time
and transition place
Interceding prayers
between daylight's empowering life
and twilight's disengaging death