Peggy - a Sweet Gift of Sickness
I thought I was strong
But now I’m sure I was wrong
Because I can’t help but wail
As I see my heart so frail
Not-too-long in loneliness was I healthily sailing
But now I’m seriously ailing
Odomankoma sent me a gift from above
Wrapped up and left to fly to me gently like a dove
Only for me to be infected with love
A sickness that keeps me shivering and perpetually in motion
Fighting helplessly against the convulsions in the annals of my emotions
Never in my life have I felt
So petrified and electrified watching my heart melt
How easy it is to get me edgy
Just by mentioning the sweet name Peggy
For the sound of her name makes me more eager
To pray Odomankoma makes me sicker and sicker and sicker!