People of Compassion
People of Compassion
“So he got up and went to his father. "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” Luke 15:20 NIV
People of compassion—
Listen rather than talk;
Are not focused on giving opinions;
Remain still rather than walk.
They lead us into prayer,
Making our burdens lighter;
Bring in a ray of sunshine,
Making our day much brighter.
People of compassion
Do not sit in judgment—
Become instruments of healing,
Through their gentle touch of consolment.
They lighten our burden,
Or massage our pain.
We seem to feel much better,
Even if the pain remains.
People of compassion—
Are not like the friends of Job,
Who visit just to point the finger,
Or unwittingly play God.
Some folk claim all the answers,
But have never walked the path;
Their judgments are biting;
Not cheery words that make us laugh.
People of compassion—
Are precious gems from above;
Placed on earth amongst us
To sweeten life with God’s love.
They are a real blessing,
But often don’t even know—
Their words have brought healing,
And made a sad heart glow.
Prayer: Father, please give me a heart of compassion for others around me. Use me to show your concern and deep love, so that lives are impacted for heaven and healing occurs.
Copyright © 2010-2012 Maureen LeFanue