Love Poem: Perdition
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Written by: Lorrie Scheider


Here is a place I love and dread,
I am drawn by its soulless gravity,
Only to loath the streets I tread.
So foolish to rail against streets.
They are just streets, after all,
I hate memories contained here,
Yet too often I long for their call.
And cling to them endlessly wistful.

My love here has long been sour,
A needful, bittersweet affair,
For the insipid promise of power.
No place but this taints dreams so fast,
Tearing them down into shreds,
Entangling them with pain and anger,
Transformed into nightmarish treads.
Here is my perdition, I need it, 
But I need it purged from my heart.
I long for a sweeter freedom,
When this place and I can part.