Perfect Love
Perfect Love is what makes a powerful nation
What makes hurt and depression
Fade bleakly away
Perfect Love is what makes jealousy rooth-up
What makes countries' hate
They thought a crash - a destruction or two
Of buildings we seemed to need
They thought the killing of our citizen's
Would make us fear them
But they know not our country's Perfect Love
The Love that God has shown
For the opposite of Love isn't Hate, but Fear
And Perfect Love casteth out ALL Fear
Through our Perfect Love - We Stand Tall
And Lift our heads Up
We Rebuild our land and Fight Back
But How?
America chose war
To kill and own the Terrorists' land
To devour the skin that we so shame-
Seems to be the answer and way we so claim
But in the process - We Die
We Kill Ourselves
Slowly, this war turns from Dieing For Heart
To Dieing For Pleasure
Has America lost sight of its own Perfect Love?
You may agree, or disagree, to my opinion
But war shows the weakness of a man's conscience
War shows Fear that the attacker will corrupt
And devour their prey
IF it hadn't, the what would be the point of it
Wasting thousands to millions, maybe even billions, or dollars killing
Killing People we shouldn't, and the waste of Natural Resources of our people?
War means to show that you ain't a punk,
Or ain't as 'weak' or as 'subordinate' to other people as they think
But doesn't Perfect Love show the heart of its people?
What should we do...
I don't know
But the question should be opposed to Perfect Love
The Perfect Love we So claim.