Perhaps is the word
Perhaps is what i wish to hear..
When after a long walk,
You will sit at the corner of life,
And look back to see,
Perhaps your eyes will search for me...
And i will wave my hand
From where i had been waiting for so long.
Perhaps you will ask me
To come a few steps with you
And i will count the steps
To reach you gladly.
Perhaps you will ask how i had been
And i will return a smile
The same you have seen.
Perhaps you will notice my eyes filled,
But then you will keep your lips sealed.
Perhaps you will extend your hand
And all those years will slip like sand,
From your hands into my hands
I will add then my dried dreams to it,
Some passed memories and crisped wishes a bit.
Perhaps by then they too will have
Perfumed smell like me.
Perhaps you will smile and look at me,
"You haven't changed", you will say with spree
Perhaps we will walk a few more distance,
This time firmly holding our future.
Perhaps that small walk would be perfect
Perhaps that wait would be worth it
Only perhaps you would say that
"Perhaps one day we would walk together."