Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps
Perhaps this is the price I must pay?
I fear there is no way to break free,
When I need to push you far away.
When I succumb to your whispered “Stay”,
Even then I know you’re bad for me.
Perhaps this is the price I must pay?
I cleave to your heart as sun to day,
Yet cry as I fall on bended knee,
When I need to push you far away.
Silenced by you when I want to say
“Begone, no more, please just let me be”.
Perhaps this is the price I must pay?
I feel entrapped, like a creature fey,
As you claim to love me but don’t see
When I need to push you far away.
Even as I want to capture prey,
Your animal heart beats so cruelly.
Perhaps this is the price I must pay?
When I need to push you far away.