Perpetual Love
Perpetual love* springs from Source of life eternal
Thriving midst obscurities darkened by despair…
Shown by the compassion-Expert of no equal
It moved the Sovereign to stoop down for mankind’s sake
Sacrificing to save sinners from hell-fire’s lake
Including me – worthless worm, meant for reproach-stare;
Now, I serve my Lover with full self-denial.
Unfailing, it defies gloom of hate’s miseries
Prevailing with hope over bitterness’ poison
Forever surpassing heroic stories…
With courageous altruism so triumphant
It empowers me become spiritually jubilant.
Now, I lead others to the Lord with love’s reason
Grateful for His perpetual love-wrought victories!
*Ephesians 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
August 10, 2018
2nd Place, "Rhyme Time 6 - Verses of Metaphors" Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Laura Loo, judged on 9/1/2018.