Personal Civil War
There is a civil war raging within my soul
As in the American Civil War of old.
The battle is between my heart and my mind.
It concerns whether or not I will find
True happiness with you…
My mind tells me to proceed with caution.
I thought you wanted only true emotion.
Does he feel what you are feeling?
Will love disappoint you and send you reeling?
Now I am confused…
Then my heart says to me, girl, you better hang on.
The best thing you ever had will be gone.
My heart tells me then, girl, you are in love.
Then says you’ve already broken me enough.
I ask you…
You are no help, because a similar war is brewing
Its way through your soul, oh what is it doing?
So, I drive you crazy with my questions about how you feel.
You want me and I want you, is that enough, is this real?
Remember when love was so easy?
Boy meets girl, they fall in love
And they live happily ever after…
What happened to that kind of love?
That is what I want, what I am after…
Do you think…
Because we have been down that road
Are we afraid to tread that path of old?
“Follow your heart”, I have always heard said,
But mine is sending mixed messages to my head.
Ok, heart and mind…
Should we both hang on and see this thru?
Are you the one for me and am I the one for you?
Should I ignore the negative thoughts I get
Knowing you are the best one, yet?
I say, “Yes!”