Love Poem: Petals of Pain
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Written by: Karen Jones

Petals of Pain

Turquoise tears stain my face
Like violet varicose veins 
Stains of sentimental sensuality
Wrapped in white fears and black feathers

For love has fuschia flown away
Ruining reverie’s red roses 
Turning them black decomposes
Any ink dried died in letters for love

Would have fell on silver sword
Sacrificed, sliding through heart
Silky bloody poetic death 
He saves a cutting of brown hair
And a crimson rose of despair
Pressing between pages of art
Like my onyx broken heart

Was only a notch on burnt belt
Firey from love’s hazing hell
Wicked love spell wilting passion
Kisses rationed refusing
To hold wet tongue’s telling
Of rebelling rose’s rise
In spirit despite demise 

Petals of purple pain 
Painting passion with rain
And teal tears tangerine train 
Of torment trailing behind
Like a wedding dress 
Of jilted beauty 
Doing duty during dilemmas 
Flower to remember
Pressed between pages
Of a little black book
Of love unreturned