Love Poem: Petals on the Wind
Lisa Busha Avatar
Written by: Lisa Busha

Petals on the Wind

Early in the morning
as the sun began to rise
as the birds began to wake 
and fly into the sky
soaring high above her head
in the misty morning dew
while the rivers trickle onward
to greet the day anew.
she stands along the banks 
amongst the waters streams
dropping petals, one by one, 
Into a sunrise beam
Chanting their names with each petal that falls
she whispers upon the winds to all
For the existence of a love not found 
to never make her heart be bound
her words, she called with each petal tossed
a love she never knew, a love she never lost
Protect my heart she silently prayed
from a love that can never be made
This is my wish, she closed her eyes
her heart cried out in pleading sighs
A man who's gentle, oh but strong
A man whose heart, she would never belong
A gentle touch, a warm embrace
that certain look upon his face
Soul of fire, Spirit of good
Straight and tall, the way he stood
A wise mind and a creative hand
could melt my heart from a faraway land
a man of silence, a man of words
a man of kindness, a man absurd
One with the creatures high and low
one with a presence all would know
One like the lion, with the lamb in his eyes
One who could understand my cries
A rider of the endless nights
underneath the moonlight bright
these things i plead to not make live
to save my heart so not to give
she ended her words and gave her thanks
and walked away from the riverbanks
she saw not what happened next
the petals she threw bent and flexed
they rose upon the air and swirled
dipping and twisting in the winds curl
she continued on her way 
knowing her heart would never be swayed
the winds they laughed and began to play
whispering amongst their magical way
the petals danced their way to the door
of a man whose heart was nevermore
hurt and sorrowful he bled
of a love he'd never had
the wind it swirled around his feet
up to his hands the petals did meet
at that moment she felt her heart
its beat had changed she felt a part
of something she had never known
touched by what the winds had sown
she felt his presence she felt his sorrow
the winds just smiled and whispered
