Pheelins of Pharoah
When it came to my Pheelins
I thought you were stealin
You turned hell hurt to heaven healin
Phor you I am a love Phanatic
Truthfully it feels Phantastic
Yo skin so silky it reminds me of new plastic
We dont need Phebuary Phorteenth to celebrate our bond
Years ago of you I've grown very Phond
Back and Phorth we gave one another Phorgiveness
Of bein infected by the relationship sickness
Phrom head to toe
Phinger to Pheet
Pork to beef
Therefore any meat
Remember from Phoe to Phriend
We promised to be together to the end
Who can blame us
Jealousy made us Phamous
Love darker than a Phantom
Our love seeds we didn't have tp plant them
And what do you know they Phinally Phlourished
Naturally nourished
Like the sun we shall never Phall
That giant bright ball
I positively Pheel Phunky
Swallowed a lot of love and I grew chunky
Thats why I Pheel Phine
Your kisses sweeter than wine
As we dine
I hold your hand and your smile is my shine
And our son will be my sun
We both Phorgive and dont Phorget to live
Die together in clothes whiter than Phlour
Our happy hour
In the shower
Grant us love power
Promise never to let go
Baby I confide to you: Pheelins of Pharoah