Philosophical Phrases and Phases
The brooding nature of boredom,
The painful fear of panic,
The mysterious magic of wonder,
Of stories yet untold...
The rich joy of knowledge,
The power of the pen,
The pulsating passion of music
The dark, dark sting of loss...
The confusion of confusion,
The despair of deep dark doubt,
The searing jolt of betrayal,
The light lilt of lovely love,
The fantastic fact of faith,
The terror of the unknown,
The paralysis of indecision,
The fear of fateful failure
The joy of joyful giving,
The sweet taste of tender sharing,
The almond bitterness of envy
Only a small sampling...
Of things we must endure
Remember one thing,
if no more...
You are what you are,
And it is what it is...
You can change it not...
Make the best of your existence...
Not that you have a choice...
But God is surely be with you,...
And he hears your poetic voice...
One more thing,
for you to consider,
To me too awesome
to ignore...
Your poet's words,
Will last through time ,
Your thoughts,
They will endure...
And your words will touch
other's hearts..
Of that you can be quite sure.