Phoenix Defrosted
Phoenix Defrosted
Given by the Sun God the good of the moon and some lucky stars
he sits full of fortune love and still in miraculous amazement under
the bright rays of southern soil soaking unbelievable kindness and
mutual compassion granted by soul searching and Higher Power
Love had been made before from a different fabric and the colours had
quietly faded to screaming silence frozen into glaciers’ clefts of darkness
Chances lead the way and permafrost was not forever when the mask
came off with all its distortions mangled ice melting into novel beginnings
It took him searching of feeling thought desire and some meeting of minds
revisiting gently rigorously what had appeared to be the only prospect
one of soundless demise and shattering unfeasible stagnant arrest in the
prison of domination wilted marred marriage depression and torment
Agony struck and it however ignited a passion unknown a mating and union
conjoined at hips and above for always and in all ways a heartfelt dance with
the Universe high and below inside and within a mango grooved delta of
Venus hot soothing lava engulfing new lovers’ poetic trees in poetry’s motion
Considering failure in cause and success in effect of landslides misfortune
bad luck and bad choices he is fortuitously graced now to thank destiny
constellation of karma kismet pure hard worked for chances where one thing
leads to another when the ashes are reshuffled and second fire is sublime
06th September 2016