Picking Up the Pieces
Picking up the pieces to my broken heart, ready to make a masterpiece
Masterpiece like never before
Before when nothing but hurt, pain, and blood ran through my veins
Veins that was twisted and tangled into deceit and lies
Lies through sickness and health till death of my heart
Heart that gave my love and trust like no other souls will ever receive
Receive the special love and bliss that equals complete happiness
Happiness to you was a fist full of abuse and anger hidden in a love spell
Spell that hypnotized me to make me believe this was love
Love that held me hostage at home surrounded by loneliness and sorrow
Sorrow that formed black clouds hovering over my head
Head covered by my hands as hail punctured my body
Body that lightening pierced through striking me over and over again
Again I say, I shall arise from my broken shell
Shell that handcuffed me into the tournament of being your spouse
Spouse that controlled me like a puppet with no remorse
Remorse you never had along with emotions or a heart
Heart that was molded by clement frozen and glued in your chest
Chest that I tattooed with an “S” like my superman for life
Life I never knew existed until I picked up the pieces to my heart
Heart that healed with betterness not bitterness that equals happiness
Happiness is floating in the air and happy I will be
Be without the control of somebody