Love Poem: Pictures of Poetry

Pictures of Poetry

Inspiration from a sight      POETESS    with  GOLDEN PEN  Begins to   WRITE
Separating the negative of   PICTURES   to       WRITE    poetic verse ENLIGHTEN 
From YOUR Heart, Mind      POETRY      the  :   TRUTH    of Life is in her  POEMS 

    With  her magic PEN in hand       SHE       writes a majestic Picture in Rhyme
       The POETESS  knows and    RECEIVES   the highest form of Praise
     To many, MANY young POETS    HER    words  sets their Hearts  Ablaze
     The blind ,they hand to HER a   CROWN:  for now they see : for the first  TIME 
  The deaf  listen to the songs of   POETRY’S   artistic picture rhyming  Queen
      Mute: inspired by the  POET’S   LAUREL     sign their pleasure, their Esteem  
    Old weathered hands weave a   WREATH    upon the POETESS’ head-- It  stays

              Inspired by the Artistic Talent and Descriptive Pictures of Poetry by
                                                        Christine  Wessels

                                DEDICATED  TO   CHRISTINE   WESSELS