Love Poem: Pieces
Steven  Mwakatundu Avatar
Written by: Steven Mwakatundu


Please mind your step…or don't, i leave it to your discretion
l left my manners at the entrance, don't expect a first time impression
I understand the facial expression, it holds a milion questions
Keep them to yourself, am drained of the energy to explain the aggression

Welcome all the same, please don't feel free
I have a feeling you might not last the pleasantries
How can i disappoint you?

You what?...…Hahahahahahaha …
Don't excuse my hysterical laugh
It is a clear sign that am familiar with sermon being preached
Trust me, i have had faith that moved mountains
These Hymns of holy intentions have been sang before
Verses complimenting the salvation each claimed to have brought, exhausted

Please mind my skeptical skepticism
Understand  ……Or  don't, at  this  point  i  don't  mind  that  your  mind  what  i  mind , it  remains my  mind.
I don't have the luxury to wake the only piece holding hope, from an overdue slumber.

These scattered pieces are a picasso, tainted with pain
Left ceremoniously as a reminder that it could happen again
Don't get  me wrong….Or do,
i  have  my fair share of demons,  but here i stand, holding  my fifth  stone  to  cast
The "mustard seed faith" and religious love don't move these walls
The mind wills but the heart recalls the past.