Love Poem: Pinch Me
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Written by: Lovie Divine

Pinch Me


Pinch me if I grow numb of love,
Wake me les we die,
Shake me if I go adrifting,
Ears dull of your faintest cry.

True passions seek love in early morn, 
Open kisses or in secret places.
Their yearning never ceases to be,
Never retiring the marital embraces. 

Prick me with a rose’s thorn,
Never leave me longing for love.
Woo me forever with words endearing, 
Like coos luring a forlorn dove.

Take me with you on your journeys long,
Don’t leave me festering behind.
In the piercings of longings only you can fulfill,
No other love in heart or mind.

Pinch me, bring me, back to myself,
Resuscitate the reality,
Greater is our world behind closed doors,
Our God orchestrated symphony