Love Poem: Pink
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Written by: Shamara Thomas


Under a blue tint, sitting in eight seats
Me, plus six, minus one is my family
Dust to dust, now tears to tears
Only 50 short, hard and painful years
Symbol of pink outlined in a basket
Tisk for a tasket, twenty-three hundred dollar casket
A gift to the world, God’s newest baby
Hell or heaven, there is no maybe
Now life is gone, happy in a new home
A soul to her body no longer belongs
Light, pale pink lets cross it in a mink
Never tie my strings in a knot, because that’s what took you so to think
But before you go, let us lace you with pearls
And drip you with diamonds and make it aware to the world
That Breast Cancer has no name, nor a face
Just as a lump on your body doesn’t deserve a permanent place

Dedicated to Ms. Kimala Thomas