Love Poem: Pink Ribbons and White Fluff
Marie Harrison Avatar
Written by: Marie Harrison

Pink Ribbons and White Fluff

(Pink Ribbons and White Fluff)

Bright blue skies with 
Brilliant white pillows of fluff, 
Set the stage that glorious day.
Friends lined the streets 
To cheer her on 
Her Mom watched 
From the comfort 
Of her hospital room.

Tatum's heart was filled 
With the passion to run.
She set her goals 
High that day.
Even the strength 
Of ten men might 
Not have won 
On that day, 
The humidity 
Was high.
She didn't have 
The heart to lose.
She'd have to race 
Up her flesh 
Engine very high
And then shift it 
Swiftly to cruise 
In order to win 
This zealous race.
Her Mother's blues 
From the challenges 
Of breast cancer
Gave her the 
To run for the 
Advancement of 
Boobs that day.
Her mother had the 
Courage to kick the 
Booze years ago,
But breast cancer 
Was not as easy.
Tatum's chance 
For raising the funds
For the advancement 
Of breast cancer research 
Was her main focus,
That bright glorious day.
It would be an honor 
To help find a cure
For such a ruthless 
Disease that women 
Succumb to yearly.
Warm streams of tears
Mixed with salty sweat 
And tangy Gatorade 
Decorated her 
Face that evening,
When she was 
Presented with a 
Check and a bright 
Pink ribbon trophy.
She placed second 
In the race,  
But that 
Was a start.
The smile on 
Her mother's face
Was what really 
Filled her heart with 
White marshmallow 
Fluff that glorious night.