Pink Sky Hue
I would smash you up
Into smaller pieces
Just to see you from
Another angle
Bend my face
On the spoon
To bear in mind
How warped the mind
Can become
And pet names
Are merely a form of dance
To get insane
With your long blonde hair
And your eyes of blue
A land of dreaming spires
Pink sky hue transpires
And Me!
Years young
A first floor urchin
A second floor princess
So so, so
So squeeze sorrow
Between the curtain
Twist it
Turn it
Soak in it
Learn it
The water
Of her vase
An algorithm
Too complex
For the flowers of the urchin
My mind a fading rainbow
That I lurch out
That I lurch in
Guarding of eternity's gate
Pinky hue sets late
Take your place
Aside me
Under the stars
A sorry reprobate