Pity For the Children
Pity the little children
Pity the little children being taught to hate
With promises that paradise for them await
Why should the Lord reward those who His character negate
Woe to those who thus the innocent children agitate
The children should be taught to play smile laugh enjoy and bless
To love others - race, color, religion, gender regardless
Taught love Joy peace patience and faithfulness
kindness goodness self control and gentleness
Taught white black and all the skin colours in between
Are only skin deep as is all features that are seen
Should live in honesty and peace and not be mean
And to help others and to share be always keen
Taught that no one deserves rape and slavery
That protecting the weak is real bravery
That God is not pleased with murder and thievery
That admirable are love gentleness and chivalry
For the hate indocrinated children its too late
But will the new generation be also lost to hate
will terrorism, rape, murder, slavery never abate
Come quickly Prince of Peace and this world liberate