Planting Tree Therapy
Why do we aim hot hate at each other
causing further cracks and craters in dried-up deserted skin,
when we could choose to heal and recreate
formerly fertile forested and grassland soils
to reform and rejuvenate subclimates of therapy?
ReCreating springs and filters of and for clean rich waters,
together restoring healthy air
to breath more deeply together
as we plan Earth's further fun and happier rejuvenation,
yet another year, and season,
decade and millennium.
We retain subclimates of good cooperative potential
so urgently needed.
We have no time left for guns and missiles.
We have so much labor-neglected waste and humane depreciation
for machetes and rakes and shovels.
No time left for any isms short of multiculturally rich Earthism.
For this we emerged
and to this center we each return
happier together,
more prosperous,
co-mentoring ecopolitical therapists.
Those who choose revenge and terrors
do not believe they have been given a choice;
that they have been born into a mess
out of which they can only compete to explode first and best.
And, who among us
has never known this victim of Earth's vast apathy despair
and darkly smoldered for revenge?
These are those most worthy of catching this compelling vision
for co-redemptive healing of their landscapes and nurturing rivers,
within as without,
purifying our formerly chaste seas and skies
all perpetually
revolving around and with one another
in hope of further resonant resolutions,
fertile regeneration.
Pathologies of eviL
no more or less
than healthy Live as spelled-out
in reverse.