I'm infactuated by the way you say my name
Captivated by this game you said we're playing
I don't know the rules, they seem to change everyday
But given the choice I'd still choose to stay
If we're playing chess it's so clear you're the king
Just to stay on the board I would do anything
Be whatever you need, I'd turn into a pawn
Move one tile at a time if it means you're not gone
If we were playing cards I'd never fold
Even if you were a losing deck I'd still choose to keep hold
I'd loose billions, I'd gamble my savings away
I'd bet on a losing game, for you I would pay
If hide and seek is your game of choice
I'd look high and low
For the sight of your eyes, the sound of your voice
For the scent of you that I don't even know
I hate running but I'd sprint if you wanted to play tag
I'd run until my lungs gave in, until my feet start to drag
Hell, I'd even enter a competition, in which I have to swim
If I knew that you were what I would win
So take your pick, regardless I'm here to stay
but with all my heart I just pray
that my fellings aren't with what you want to play