Play On
I am playing the piano in my mind, in tune
with the one I love. My fingers caress the
ivory as angels provide the harmony, harps
plucked by cherub's mingle in the melody.
This ballad from the heart is easy, but the
words as yet hard to find, for the feelings
so hard to describe and rhyme. But I play
on knowing that these words will come,
and in time echo my hearts voice. For
this song was always meant to be a duet
for two beating hearts, two beating hearts
to waltz in time with love. So tip toe this
ballroom of romance, hold me, glide this
floor of desire. Let our music fill the soul,
and passion be the rhapsody. I am playing
the piano in my mind, in tune with the one
I love. Knowing she dances deep within
this heart.