Playing It Safe With Pain
Imagine now no more pain to be found
It's possible though rare to achieve
Now this topic I'm sure will astound
A mosaic of life to perceive
For love so deep we fear of losing
We guard and protect at our core
There's no greater thing more worthy of pursuing
For this we live and give our lives in war
To love and be loved
To need and be needed
It's the heart of every pain at its sum
In absence of love you can't be defeated
With nothing to lose your just numb
So what's the use of playing safe with pain
Dare it to defy you when love comes
For your angle of perception makes those losses your gain
Your blessed if your not the one who must say...
"Do what you will for they can do nothing to hurt me
There's no one left in my life for to take
Worse still... Of me, there's no one who needs."