Playing Old Maid Players
"To have Clarity of Intention means to align oneself with the clear and single-pointed purpose of that [regenerative] impulse itself. And the way that alignment occurs, in a [bicameral] human heart and mind, is that the intention to [co-]evolve becomes more important [and obvious and ubiquitous and nutritious] than anything else in this [living ecosystemic] world." Andrew Cohen, "Evolutionary Enlightenment", p. 111
Life is like a game of Old Bodhisattva Maid.
We co-arise the cards and hands
we have been dealt
and have dealt ourselves
we have gifted and been gifted.
So now you know,
we made that Old Maid hairshirt
and capital choking tie
now in your hand,
just means its your time to wear them
until they find some other happy hapless guy.
Love is like a game of Wise Elder.
We co-arise our carded minds
dealing mutual subsidiarity to co-gravitate together
facedown forward,
faceup backward down
through time's past intertransactional memory,
co-empathic gifting to and fro.
So now you know,
we made this Wise Bodhisattva Elder shirt and tie
at Left and Right
MindThought and BodyFelt hand,
just means its our Time to help us
compassionately wear them
until We find some Othered unhappy
hapless ego-soul
To have Clarity of Intention,
healthy body/wealthy mind
to co-align oneself with equanimity
to each moment's co-arising
Old Wise Elder Maid
cooperative Win/Win game.