Love Poem: Playmates
Jan Pearce Avatar
Written by: Jan Pearce


Little boy,
     come play with me
            escaping vague realities.

                   Come sing the songs you left unsung
                          from empty days when you were young,
                                 and cast aside, for just a while,
                                       the frown you force
                                                for laughing smiles.

                                                        Come take my hand,
                                                               in knowing trust,
                                                                      to find your dreams,
                                                                               since turned to dust.

                                                                       Come feel my warmth
                                                               and generous kiss;
                                                       come gather now
                                             the love you've missed.

                                    Come be my prince, my pride, my peer;
                              the proof I find to words I hear.

                   Come sail my seas and touch my skies
          and feel the breeze of cloudy highs,
                 for I have waited all these years,
                          through darkened nights and frequent tears,
                                  to find that tender, touching soul
                                           that I once loved
                                                      so long ago...