Love Poem: Please, I Don’t Wanna Cry More
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Written by: Frank Mashina

Please, I Don’t Wanna Cry More

In shadowed depths where silence wraps its cloak,
My heart, once strong, now aches in quiet plea,
For love’s lost light, a fading, gentle smoke,
Has left me cold and longing to be free.

You came like dawn, a promise of the spring,
But left me caught in winter’s cruel embrace,
Your words were warmth, yet now a bitter sting,
Each memory a ghost I must replace.

In tender dreams, I sought a love so true,
Yet found instead a storm of endless tears,
Where once was joy, now only skies of blue,
And echoes of the pain from all those years.

Oh, grant me peace, release this mournful score,
For in my heart, I cannot bear to cry more.