Please Read the Instructions
Is it a poem not just a rhyme maybe a riddle
though it keeps time could be something in the middle
not fairy tale or fable could it be a paradox not
is it psalm or love song paradisiacal parable
Not to believe it maybe a panoramic mistake of eternal consequences
Its been called a lot of things most bought less read most misunderstood
I am not a literary giant by no means but its dear to me nor am I self-reliant
Just a man with a dictionary nor was i a visionary
I who was dead and now I am a live
thought I was living once surviving but I was only lying
Sea I had an enormous vacuum in my heart nothing could fill
No pleasure of this world did. not sex,drugs or rock-and-roll pill
Using bigger words than I intended in hope too keep your attention
This is no new invention or curious art this is just another chance to testify
To tell you the truth and it’s simple of the Living Word of God the Loving Saviour
Of the world the Lord Jesus that lives in me and I in him and is all reliable
Believe only repent and believe the gospel repent of you sins ask Jesus into your heart
God’s love letter to you the scriptures testify of him his loving favor
So do I READ the Holy Bible