Please don't think I love you
Please don't think it's love
1.I hate how quickly I fall in love
It happens so naturally, like a leaf falling from a tree in summer.
I grow cosier and sweeter
Hiding in a hibiscus stalk like nectar
2.Please don't mistake it for infatuation
Slowly and deeply, it creeps in me
Like a python, sucking the life out of its victim
It's a temporal digression
3. I watch from the balcony each night as your car rolls into the driveway
Tried to wave or call out your name, like that would push me astray
Pretend you're interested in us as I walk by
Leaned sticky notes on your car, and you only sigh
4. Please don't think of this as infatuation
It is an obsession
Deep-rooted from within
It consumes me inside out, that is what it is
I wish it could go away
5. Please don't think of this as love
I'm just a fan in love with art
Not the artist
Please don't think I am in love
I know it's tough
6.As an aesthete, I adore the way
You flick your brush on the canvas
The rhythm you listen to as you sway
Your brows tingle at every depiction, while I stay anonymous
I notice the little things because I tend to be mysterious
7. Please don't think of this as hilarious
I am not in love with thee
But your work, I am too
Please don't think I am serious
I think I love you