Please Heal Our Nation Lord Jesus
Please Heal Our Nation Lord Jesus!
It seems like many are influenced by the polls of the day.
So many are curious as to what others say.
Things that seemed of value, not too many years ago.
Have changed the very heart
Of this country’s soul.
Respect for each other and God has often changed.
As the “moral fabric” of this nation is being “rearranged.”
A desire to serve God, many feel doesn't belong.
Many can’t tell the difference
between right and wrong.
In spite of what many have tried to achieve.
They often don’t really know what they believe.
Too often, Godly morals are turned “upside down.”
Encouraging a tide of evil,
that can easily be found.
There’s a lot of heartache happening all over this land.
As many are confused and really don’t understand!
Our only hope and true solution is God alone!
We need to invite him in to our hearts and home!
He is what’s needed in the uncertainly ahead.
He is our living water and our daily bread!
His principles of truth need to be our way of living!
His life for our sin and failures, is what he’s giving!
Please come Lord Jesus!
And accept this invitation!
Only you can heal and restore our great nation!
By Jim Pemberton