Please Just Bring Me Flowers
Please just bring me Flowers
Please just bring me flowers,
With bright petals
That smell of Jasmin and passion,
or Roses
Whose Scent,
Feels our hearts with faster beats,
And with waves of love,
Or Please make me,
A Pillow of Lavender,
To rest my head on,
To bring life’s softness
and gentleness,
To my darker dreams.
For we tire,
of news of Angry leaders,
With their tanks, their bullets,
Arrows of cold steel,
Teenagers forced into,
Sinister marching boots.
Our hearts lay heavy,
From words of hatred,
Of twisted Pride in Atom Bombs,
Packages of last resort,
That threaten from the sky,
Poisons that would steal our soul,
And take our very lives away.
So please, please,
Just bring me flowers,
Fresh flowers from the earth,
And sing sweet songs,
That dance in the evening air,
Songs of love, songs of life,
Songs of hope,
Songs that smell of Jasmine,
of Roses,
And of Lavender,
Songs that point us to
A new home.
John Roberts