Love Poem: Poem about my love life
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Written by: Haha Haha

Poem about my love life

Will i ever be loved?
The way i have always dreamt of.

With the love of my life 
Firmly wrapped in my arms
With us trying to falling asleep
While looking at the stars

Will i ever find the love 
That i have always wanted
Or will i have to beg every soul
Till my wish is granted.

To be loved by you
Is the only wish i have ever had
Was it too much to ask?
As i was trying the best i ever can.

The love you have given to others
Could that have been mine for once?
The words ”I love you” to be heard
was i ever not worthy enough?

Couldn’t you’ve been a little considerate 
Of my feelings that you always knew
Doing the things that i begged you not to
Was that all i ever meant to you?

So I’ll be waiting for the day
When you’ll ever be truly mine
Till then i’ll love you to my last breath 
As Nothing could ever feel so divine.