Poem Cry
I've got to make the poem cry because tears won't come from my eyes
This poem is inspired by one of my favourite Jay-Z songs
They won't come from my eyes so I'll make the poem cry
I know I don't always move how I should move
But whatever you do, people will always judge you
I've got some bad traits, but i'm a good dude
Just because I pushed you away, doesn't mean, I didn't love you
Depression had a hold of me, and I was unable to escape its grasp
So you got pushed away, I'm giving you my heart here, can you see the break in that?
I thought about you daily and still do, but I left it too late to make things right
Alone or with a girl, I still usually wake at night
With thoughts of you, and it kills me because I pushed you away before we even tried
This hurts twice as much, 3 years later, because these were feelings I tried to hide
So many what ifs, and Unanswered questions going through my mind and heart
I Hope I can patch myself as I'm the one behind my scars
Chantal Maybe one day you'll text me, or we'll meet later on in life
Or maybe we won't, I know I'm wrong for using your name when I write
But I do, because I'm not over the pain just yet
I think it's time to change subjects
Tattoos covering, self-inflicted scars, from my self harming days
In the past I had suicidal thoughts, and some alarming ways
It's easier for people to judge me, instead of understanding I'm extremely damaged inside
At 17 I overdosed on Tablets, but somehow I managed to survive
I go missing for months on end, because some days I barely have the strength to leave bed
Anxiety forcing me to stress over little things, and go over everything I said
It's hard for me to focus when I have thousands of thoughts in my head
Depression laughing at me, When I tried to hurt it, it was me who Bled
I've got to make the poem cry because tears won't come from my eyes
This poem is inspired by one of my favourite Jay-Z songs
I hope I made the poem cry