Poem Within a Poem
To a father there may
Not be a greater joy than
A child who emulates
Maybe even idolizes his dad.
With a heart pouring over
With love my youngest boy
Proudly states, “I have written a poem.”
My heart soars and love overflows …
His next words reconfirm what
I suspected; he wants to be like dad
He asked me to post it on Poetry Soup.
The next lines are his as I beam …
Kind, nice, Outgoing, and Funny this is
How I live in this strange World. I live
With a funny family always cheering
me on I go to a big school always
being great I have many friends
Always being Awesome intelligent
People, I go to a nice church
always being kind I really
like my life in this very strange
I couldn’t have said it better
Little man.
A collaboration of Dad (60) and
David (10) Eklund