Love Poem: Poet Love
Cynthia  Vipond  Avatar
Written by: Cynthia Vipond

Poet Love

I love you 
Like I love life
As the poet
Loves his words
I love you like the rainbow
Meets the clouds to chat with birds

I love you laughing loudly
I love you when you call
When you flourish
When you're happy
When you need me, most of all

For this love declaring poem
Isn't scary to extreme
There's a place in every moment
For a friendly heart
To dream 

For I love you
When I'm sleeping
Or the middle of the day
Love is simply a connection
That may never drift away 

So save yourself some bother 
Just relax 
And know it's true
I don't need reciprocation
All I need to know is you

CV 25.5.24