Poet Love
Never fall in love with a Poet
for they are blackholes of the broken hearted
Set on a treacherous sea blindfolded
to distracted by butterflies to properly set up a captain's log
Never fall in love with a poet our emotions burrow themselves deeper than a naked mole rat
Exposed, Vulnerable
Just like that time in biology class dissecting the rigamortis set frog
Nailed on all four appendiges
For what???
Love is sometimes a Lie that we tell ourselves so we feel comforted.
The fairytale we read to children
The moralistic ones where the princess is a vision
and the Prince is an amorous gentleman
Walking hand in hand in the sunset immortalized
as one of the biggest lies
But what of love??
Real love the kind that drives you to a sickness
So nauseating you lose yourself in the process
Only simply to be there for them......... to eleviate any of their suffering
What of the tears???
That LOVE seems to squeeze out of your once sprite like Disposition
Like a worn out mop
that drips milky white left over mess
Lackluster like a dying fern, you have lost your glow
Resulting from the aftermath that your hurricane love
What of loneliness....
Makes your fingers at night notice how alone they feel
Like a drug, you go through withdrawels
You try to intertwine your left hand with your right
You know it will never be the same
Your Queen sized bed feels as if it has grown
to the size of Antartica
Where your insides grow so frostbitten from your bitterness
and you fear that you are so far gone and isolated
No one will hear your whispers
What of loves, loving distrust
Lies and Broken promises seem to defeat a person sometimes from honest confessions
Because distrust is like a math problem.
Sometimes my friends, you have to discover what type of equation is their male partner.
But love is more like the Infinity symbol.
In that 2 bonded circles flow
LIke simultaneous toilets being flushed in Australia
Circling around sucking water into the pipes back into the earth
Love is the Infinity symbol because nothing can be Charted in Infinity
Understood or even Wanted
Love is kind but scarring. You never know if you have found your penguin dance partner that
will always stay beside you
Ensare you faster than a venus fly trap.
Ripping you apart like a Praying Mantis
This is why you should never fall for a poet
We know Love,
and sometimes the horror of it.